Elevate NWO provides services to people are part of the priority populations listed below. Most new transmissions of HIV and or Hep C in Ontario are happening to members in these communities.
Priority Population (HIV)
☐ Gay, Bisexual, & all other men who have sex with men
☐ African, Caribbean & Black Communities
☐ People who inject drugs
☐ Indigenous Peoples
☐ Women who engage in HIV risk activities with members of the above populations.
Priority Population (HCV)
☐ People who inject drugs
☐ People involved with the correctional system
☐ People who are homeless or under-housed
☐ Indigenous Peoples
☐ Street-involved Youth
Support for people living with HIV
Elevate NWO offers non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential support to individuals living with or affected by HIV. We provide individual and group-based programs to assist people to manage their health and successfully cope with HIV. We support people living with HIV to navigate the challenges that can arise from living with a chronic illness, to build support systems, access resources in the community, and to make informed choices related to their health care.
HIV Clinic
Elevate’s HIV Clinic provides members with treatment and support to manage their HIV care. The range of the clinic’s services assure that the most-needed HIV services are offered in one place. In addition to medical care, members can access additional care and support that is not readily available in the community. This includes the latest approaches in treatment, or counselling with one of Elevate’s multidisciplinary team members.
Care is based on the principles of accessibility, comprehensiveness, health promotion and patient satisfaction. Services are provided by medical specialists, nurses, pharmacists and social workers. All of these professionals can be seen in the clinic for individual consultation. Referrals can also be made to dieticians, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
Hepatitis C Treatment
Elevate provides hepatitis C care, treatment and support to people living with Hep C across Northwestern Ontario. Free and confidential HIV and hepatitis C testing is offered. The Hep C treatment team works collaboratively with members pre-treatment, during treatment and post-treatment to deliver care and support where and when they need it most.
Case Management
The program provides information, support, and care coordination for members who are living with HIV and or Hep C. Elevate NWO Case Managers work to meet the unique needs of their clients through assessment and care planning. They also link members to services, resources and advocacy to address health barriers. Though the immediate focus is on food, shelter, income and emotional support, Case Managers also work with members over the long-term to address more complex issues such as:
Health Care
Financial Help
Legal Issues
Practical Needs
Psycho-Social Support
Other Issues
Health Navigators Program
The Health Navigator program has two distinct areas of focus: treatment adherence and harm reduction uptake. Working closely with the Direct Clinic Services clinic team, the health navigators deliver support groups, one-to one role modeling and support for members struggling to adhere to HIV and or Hep C treatment programs or utilize harm reduction strategies. Weekly group sessions are offered on a drop-in basis.
Emergency Financial Assistance Program
At Elevate NWO we provide emergency financial assistance to members in HIV or Hep C treatment programs at elevate. These funds are used to help cover cost for medical or health related issues where income support programs can’t meet the needs. They also help with utilities or rent when homelessness or threats to health exist and the funds we can provide will actually meet the need.